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2795. Lord [Zarock]  (2022-01-03 5:44 PM)
Hey guys,

Always awesome to see some new entries when you check the guestbook once every 3-4 years  biggrin 
Hope everyone is doing well, I am at least  smile 
I don't have steam though bro sad 

Let me know if we can link up any other way!

2794. Fa [WHIT3HAWK]  (2021-04-05 12:17 PM)
Hey, Crysis, Dapers, Zarock and Niknod!
Is anyone of you still reading this? What's up?

Does anyone of you have steam? cool

2793. Kenneth [Kenneth]  (2021-04-05 12:01 PM)
Good old times!

2792. [Dapers62]  (2020-04-03 5:19 AM)
Wow, how did I manage to get back into my account, lol.

Last time I posted on here was 7 years ago, and it looks like no one has used it in a little over 2 years as well.

I hope everyone is doing well, the fact that this site is still up astounds me. I still recognize many of the names that I see through here, and just want to say thanks for the awesome time I had back in SWBF2 way back when. Who knows how many more times people will come back to this guestbook or how long the site will be up, but if nothing else I just wanted to leave an appreciative message here! I still game pretty regularly even though it's entirely different stuff now. Best wishes to anyone who was a part of clan immortal, before or after me, you guys will always be a family from the past!


2791. Lord [Zarock]  (2017-10-14 2:05 PM)
Hey Nik,

That's some great news, I'll look into it when I find some time. Would be awesome to play together again.
Hit me up on facebook sometime!

2790. Lobob [Niknod]  (2017-10-03 3:42 PM)
Hey Zar, T, Zeph, the 2017 crew,

Apparently the servers are being revived (again?) so nostalgia lead me here.

It's been forever! I haven't looked at how to actually get it working yet, but I hope it all works and with any luck, the news will bring more of you here, and we can figure out some reunion of sorts!

2789. Lord Zarock [Zarock]  (2017-05-24 2:07 PM)
Hey T!

I'd very much like to know how to play swbf2 online, it's not working for me anymore sad
How are you btw? And others reading this biggrin

EDIT: nvm, seems like I had an outdated SWBFspy .exe file, I can play now smile looking forward to meeting you guys ingame!

2788. V..... Fabio [-=]T[=-]  (2017-02-18 4:56 AM)
Buy the way guys it's still possible to play swbf2 online! smile I play every now and then and people still play public, fw's and interns.
So if you feel like playing a bit of swbf2 again 'cause you miss it too much contact me here or add me on steam and I'll let you know how it works smile

2787. [Zeph]  (2017-01-22 1:59 PM)
Happy 2017 everyone! biggrin 


2786. Lord Zarock [Zarock]  (2017-01-02 1:23 PM)
Happy new year to everyone who still reads this!  smile

2785. the Slaughter [theSlaughter]  (2016-11-02 3:35 PM)
Back in my real account again! Now I can edit this page again happy

2784. V..... Fabio [-=]T[=-]  (2016-10-16 0:18 AM)
Hey guys biggrin does anyone of you play csgo? smile

2783. the Slaughter [theSIaughter]  (2016-08-15 5:28 PM)
Awesome how this website still exists. And that I still remember my password to log in wink

2782. [Zeph]  (2015-11-17 8:29 PM)
Hi Hylian!

How are things, good I hope.


2781. Peter koning [[immortal]LordHylian]  (2015-11-14 7:15 PM)
Hey guys! 

Seeing some people are getting the new swbf game. Mine is pre loading atm smile
Not using any programs atm for chatting or something. I guess ill download something that everyone is using ingame once i know what that is smile

mail me if you want to play together and noob around a bit biggrin
ill check back here when game launches also ^^ hope to see you ingame!!!

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