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 Lord: Reign: Favorite mode:    
 Lord Hylian (Founder)        22/03 2007 - 09/02 2009   All modes


Words are not enough to describe him as a leader, nor as a friend. Few have managed to do what he did when he created [Immortal]. After being in (darkness) for some time under the name Raith, he left that clan along with his, at the time, friend Kagi to form a stronger clan. Needless to say he succeded with his mission but it came at a price, his friendship with Tyranic. Hylian was an all around player. For 2 years he led the clan along with other leaders, for 2 years he gave it all for [Immortal] and its members. When the time came for [Immortal]s merge with =[TKF]= he decided that his time had come to an end and he would not follow his fellow members into the new clan. During his time in [Immortal] he mastered all modes of the game. He'd crush you in assault, blow you to pieces in space and destroy you in shoot. Not many players out there have such an understanding of all elements of the game as Hylian did. Add to that his ability to lead a clan and you have the definition of a truly great man. Even so, its not all this, things that by themself demands admiration, that made him to the great man he was. It was the way he treated his friends and fellow members that made him into the legend that he will be remember as. No man can ever take that away from him. There are many ways to describe greatness but the ultimate one must be to call someone his friend. So if we are to chose a word to describe him that word will be just that, friend... Today, on rare ocations and if you'd be so lucky, you'll meet him in a server wearing the sign of greatness, the tag of [Immortal]...


 Lord Tyranic (Founder)    22/03 2007 - 12/06 2007  Shoot                 

Most people will remember Tyranic as Kagi. He left Clan (darkness) during troubled tímes, and Co-Created the Clan Immortal together with Hylian (Formally Raith). At that time, he hoped that [Immortal] would become, unlike (darkness), strong in Conquest/CTF as well as Assault. After an terrible incident, it was decided that the Leaders would take on new names, so Kagi changed his name into Tyranic. Tyranic was an excellent shooter and tought some members a couple of things about shooting. Time past and after many incidents with jelous clans, [Immortal] was still alive. However, these where hard times for [Immortal] and Tyranic felt that the clan no longer had a future, and would eventually die out. As a result he decided to leave when [Immortal] was on it's knee, expecting it to slowly weather away. In the past, Tyranic might have lacked faith in the clan, but without him there wouldn't be any [Immortal]. After many months Tyranic returned. Once more he had a chance to fight beside the troops of our great clan and all hoped that he had decided to forever walk the path that leds to glory, the path of [Immortal]. However, after a short time of 2 months Kagi decided to leave again, and the manner of his leaving was pityfull. After swearing he would never leave [Immortal] again, he once more betrayed it and left. With his leaving he did some damage to the clan. Some projects were comprimised and had to be deleted. Never again will he be able to rejoin this great clan. He has had many chances and wasted them all.....


 Lord Ciyrus                                                                 22/4 2007 - 21/7 2008 & 19/8 2008 - 09/2 2009 All modes                                    

 Ciyrus, in the beginning known as Hamster, was also an old (darkness) member. He followed Hylian and Tyranic along with a few others when they left (darkness) to create a strong and better clan, [Immortal]. Like Hylian he to mastered all modes of the game. Not long after the creation of [Immortal] it was decided that the clan should have 3 leaders, Ciyrus became that third one. He had the ambition that was needed and would prove vital to the clan. Add to that his technical skills that secured the clan and protected it from atempts by others to destroy the site. Due to RL he had to, after 15 months of service, leave his position as leader. When he a month later could returned all members of [Immortal] could not imagine him not returning as leader again, hence the period of four leaders. Just as Hylian, Ciyrus has always been there. In a way it was he and Hylian that created the clan. When people think of [Immortal], they think of Ciyrus. Without him there might not have been an [Immortal]... Together with Zephyron and other members he moved on to co-create the new clan .:]Infinite[:... After the failure of that very clan his whereabouts is unknown...


 Lord Chimaera                  18/06 2007 - 06/09 2007   Assault             

When Tyranic left Immortal, the 2 remaining lords looked for someone strong enough to take his place. Chimaera, brother of Cerberus, was the best choice at that time. He was strong in hero assault and also good at shoot. He always had his own oppinion and was great in countering unfriendly posts with one of his own. His skills meant that few, if any, went up against him. From the beginning the leaders knew that Chimaera would not stay forever. He was finally forced to leave because of inactivity. (School and him moving out to a students appartment.) It left a great vacuum of power and we knew that finding someone to take his place wouldn't be easy as such great leaders are hard to come by... Today he goes by the name A_Ghost_In_The_Wall and is a highly respected member of DEAD and SMD...


 Lord Bane                              06/09 2007 - 04/11 2007      Assault             

When Chimaera left the great Bane took over his seat. He impressed people of his time with his skillz with a lightsaber, and with his diplomatic & mature approach towards all walks of life. He quickly became the Jedi squad leader, teaching all as he went on. A powerful warrior, who very easily made his way up to a leader title, in place of Chimaera before him. Bane was a truly honourable figure of authority, he was trustworthy, and earned the respect and loyalty of his soldiers. Eventually the day came when his time in reign had to end. He pointed to whom he felt should be the next lord and then left swbf2 for good, he had showed everyone what great leadership was all about... He still visits the site, but alas he can never return to this beloved game...


 Lord Firefly                         05/11 2007 - 09/04 2008 Assault/Shoot  

When Bane left he had one last request, that the clans Jedi squad leader would take his place. The 2 other lords agreed and Firefly became the 6th person to call himself lord of [Immortal]. He was a naturell assault master and a great shooter. This made him feared by those who faced him on the battlefield. He turned out to be one of the clans more silent leaders. He let the other 2 lords do most of the admin stuff and instead he aimed on winning wars for [Immortal]. Together with his brother Devil_Jin they were the frontline in all wars. To have Firefly on the battlefield almost always meant victory for [Immortal]. After months as a strong leader he decided that he should step down and let someone else guide the clan. He stayed within the clan, making sure that more victories comes our way...


 Lord Zephyron             09/04 2008 - 09/02 2009    Space/Shoot     

LordZephyron, formally known as [Immortal]Erik, was the best thing to happen to Immortal after the foundation of the clan by LordHylian and LordTyranic, and LordCiyrus. He was leader with LordHylian and LordCiyrus. They formed the best trio Immortal had ever known. Thanks to those three leaders, Immortal got their first dedicated server ever. It was a great step in Immortal's history. He was one of our best space players in the clan, but also had his skills on the ground. Immortal was running perfect those days. Then Infinite happened, the merge with =]TKF[=. It failed, and we lost two great leaders to it, LordZephyron and LordCiyrus. LordZephyron, or Erik, now also known as Zeph, is still playing sometimes under one of his names.


 Lord Cerberus              28/07 2008 - 20/10 2008 Shoot/Space   

When Ciyrus left, two candidates were picked for a trial period. Cerberus, brother of former lord Chimaera, was one of them and in the end he became the new lord. He was one of [Immortal]s oldest member, always active, friendly and strong on the battlefield. He mastered all modes and while he sometimes doubted his ability to be a leader his actions spoke for themself, he was without a doubt the right chose. During his time as leader he did everything to improve the clan, taking it forward, and trying to see to that everyone had fun. He always gave 100 % for [Immortal] and for that he'll always be remembered. After almost 3 months as leader his time had come. Due to RL he finally had to leave his position as leader. Fortunately he stayed within the clan, doing everything he could to take it forward. Like Zephyron and Ciyrus he joined .:]Infinite[:. and just like them he to decided after its failure to take a different path... He now plays with a group of friends under the name -03-Cerberus...


 Lord Roran                    20/04 2009 - 29/07 2009 Shoot/Assult   


When [Immortal] was recreated Roran, also known as D4v3, became one of the new lords. He was one of the clans strongest characters and a very skilled player. Feared and admired on the battlefield for his skills he was a given in any war. Despite [Immortal] from time to time going trough rough periods he had as a member always stood by it, now he would also guide it and through his and the other leaders work the re-creation was a succes. His leadership consisted of leading people in the field, the more administrative work he mostly left for others. He knew where his strenghts layed and acted acordingly. After more than 3 months as leader Roran anounced that the time had come for him to step down, leave the clan and the game. He wished everyone well and of he went into history. Another good leader and, perhaps even more so, a great guy had left... From time to time he still visits us...




 Lord Hydra                    20/04 2009 - 08/11 2009 Shoot               


When [Immortal] was recreated Hydra became one of the new lords. Hydra had been in [Immortal] for quite some time and always been a strong supporter of the clan. Unlike the other to leaders at his time he didn't only put time into leading people on the field, which he did with great succes time and time again, he also spent time updating the site and doing those other administrative things that are so important in a clan. Thats what made him into such a all around complete leader, he could and did do it all. When Hydra became leader he soon showed maturity far beyond his years. Hydra without a doubt grew with the task in hand. This was also noticed on the battlefield where he soon was one of the clans strongest players. For long periods Hydra was the only leader around and without him its safe to say that [Immortal] might not have made it back in top. He believed in [Immortal] more then most, and with that belief he carried it forward. Time takes its toll on all of us and after several months, with [Immortal] strong and active, Hydra decided to step down. He remains in the clan to ensure its future...



 Lord Skywalker                  20/04 2009 - 15/01 2011      Shoot/Assault    

 Details missing.


 Lord Zarock                                             02/08 2009 - XX/XX 20XX                             Shoot/Assault/space    

Still leader.


 Lord Chivau                    23/08 2010 - 11/04 2012  


 Lord Slaughter      22/01 2011 - XX/XX 20XX Assault         

  Still leader.


 Lord Whitehawk      28/04 2012 - XX/XX 20XX Shoot             

  Still leader.

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