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2761-2775 of 2795 messages displayed
35. [Cerberus]  (2010-02-23 12:25 PM)
Having funwars put on a site is weak, if a war is to be put on a site, then it should be done with wars that were arranged earlier, so both clans can bring the people out they wanna bring out. But well, come to think of it, if they need to put all those wars on their site to show their strenght, perhaps they are pathetic. A real good clan wouldnt need that tongue

34. [Cerberus]  (2010-02-23 12:25 PM)
Just got some message about the [DARK] clan. They seem to be annoying when it comes down to funwars. They like to send their best against the worst of other clans (not really offending them on that, their choice), but the real problem is with the reporting of the funwars on their site.

It seems that they record every single lil tiny funwar... Also, tough im not sure if this is true, they seem to sometimes just turn a lose into a victory while putting it on their site.

Im not saying we should never have funwars against [DARK] anymore or anything like that, but i think its best if you make sure before a war that its not to be put on a site whatsoever. And if it is put there afterwards, then ill just have a tiny chat with them, cos thats not cool at all.

33. [Cerberus]  (2010-02-23 12:18 PM)
Hydra, just make sure you get to the 10000 posts fast then, then you will see how many there will be (just dont spam, but make the gb living :D)

32. Palter   (2010-02-23 11:56 AM)
oh, 1 thing, u should get a timer over here that's sync with the gb time, cause well, the other one showed how much time ago posts were made, but this one is like about 2 hrs different, and that gets confuzzeling imo biggrin

31. Palter   (2010-02-23 11:55 AM)
yay, a gb that actually workz =D ftw zar :P

30. Lord Hydra [LordHydra]  (2010-02-23 1:33 AM)
I wonder how many links will be at the bottom when we get to like 10000 if they keep going by 15

29. Lord Hydra [LordHydra]  (2010-02-23 1:29 AM)
Not being able to post for a while has made me want to post a lot today.. There's nothin like talking to itself in a gb xD

28. Lord Hydra [LordHydra]  (2010-02-22 10:59 PM)
So since I can't seem to change my name tongue to all new members I am not a leader anymore and go by the name lurtz wink

27. Lord Hydra [LordHydra]  (2010-02-22 10:53 PM)
Ahh great it still says lord :/

26. Lord Hydra [LordHydra]  (2010-02-22 10:52 PM)
Ahh I was looking at old site for a while so didn't know this gb was up.. Anyway welcome new recruits and I'm sure we can get this to 22700 posts faster than the last one xD

25. RangeMagna   (2010-02-22 1:08 PM)
Mar , i'm the old [Immortal]Owner AND i'm [Immortal]Origon's cousin biggrin

24. james havey [Zarock]  (2010-02-21 12:54 PM)
you know what is also cool about this gb? I can see full ips and ban ips from the site >:)

23. james havey [Zarock]  (2010-02-21 11:42 AM)
Well rejecting... they're just back from a 1 year break, I'm sure they'll be accepted if they played for like 1 week in public servers smile

22. Mar   (2010-02-21 11:18 AM)
Who are you rejecting Zar?
Ex-Owner or Origon's cousin?

It's funny how the most active people are mostly the old members lol

21. james havey [Zarock]  (2010-02-20 6:20 PM)
And that's how it's supposed tobe biggrin

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